John MacArthur’s Foot-In-Mouth Syndrome

His Audacity Knows No End

Wendy Coop


Here we go again with John MacArthur.

A few weeks ago, while speaking on a panel, he said PTSD, ADHD, and OCD don’t exist. Recently, he was interviewed by Allie Beth Stuckey, where he seemed to backtrack on the extreme nature of those comments — but the damage is done.

Photo by Joice Kelly on Unsplash

You see, John MacArthur is a pastor. He’s not a medical doctor of any sort — especially not a psychiatrist or psychologist. And yet, he is completely comfortable with telling us that the above disorders are not diseases of the brain; and that if we just believe more in Jesus, we will be healed. After all, PTSD is just grief.

You can catch the entire interview here:

But here’s the central issue: I just believe he’s wrong and shortsighted.

In an effort to get people to take more responsibility for their actions, he comes down hard on these disorders claiming they give people an out for acting poorly. If your child has ADHD, then you’re a parent making poor choices. This is what he…

